Editor's Hello
Welcome to our milestone issue.
Welcome to our milestone issue. Milestones set us free from the past u2013 they indicate growth and that we are executing our strategies successfully on the right path to success. Jesus had milestones to reach to set us free from sin. Where would we be had He not died on the Cross? We often set milestones at the beginning of the year or when we draft our business plans. We see these milestones as landmarks to keep us on the right track towards our own defined success. Some businesswomen seek God first before setting their goals and milestones, while some just forget to consult with the Alpha and Omega. Either way, we become encouraged and successful when we realise our milestones. What happens when milestones do not look anything like what we have imagined? Do you remember Josephu2019s story in the Bible? His dream that nations would one day bow down to him? His own family did not understand him, nor could they perceive his dream u2013 it was too far from their reality and Josephu2019s role as the youngest in the family. He himself did not know how and when he was going to become the leader they would bow down to (Gen 37). We can now, in hindsight, identify the different stages of his journey to the position of Pharoahu2019s advisor as milestones from which he learnt great lessons, which we too can learn great lessons from. From being thrown in a ditch, to being sold as a slave, to experiencing false accusations, to suffering in prison, and then returning to Pharaohu2019s house. These were painful milestones that led Joseph to his great position over nations, just as he had dreamt.

u00a0I invite you to read Chrissie Kuunu2019s feature as she opens our eyes to the truth that when we are in Godu2019s Purpose and Calling, the milestones are completely different to what we could imagine or plan. In this issue we also feature a mother and daughteru2019s journey in the same professionu2026 How does a mother feel when her only daughter follows her footsteps to success? As a mother, I title Kuhlula and Yimaniu2019s feature, u2018A Milestone from a Motheru2019s Heart.u2019 It is Godu2019s Blessing that we are able to connect and share His Word with you through arise magazine. Remember to subscribe to our digital magazine to make sure that you do not miss out on anything from us. May this issue Bless you as producing it has Blessed us. To you, through me, from God, our Daddy. Kea MM Chief Editor & Visionary